Slate roofing

If you need to replace your home’s roof, the first option that typically comes to mind is the tried-and-true classic of roofing materials, asphalt shingles.  However, asphalt shingles aren’t the only roofing option that you can use on your home.  There are other, less conventional options that may be even better for your home than asphalt shingles.  One material you may want to consider installing is slate.  Slate roofing can be a wonderful option for homeowners, but it offers its own set of benefits.

Slate Roofing Pros

Longevity: While your asphalt shingle roof should feasibly last between twenty and thirty years, a properly installed slate roof could last for a century.  If you take good care of your roof and live in a relatively mild climate, it is not out of the question for your slate roof to last 150 years. If you want to replace your home’s roof once and never have to think about it again, slate is your best bet.
Aesthetics: Slate roofing has a beautiful, rustic look.  It comes in a variety of colors and sizes, meaning even if you have a particular vision for your home’s roof, you can likely fulfill it with slate roofing.

Return of Investment

The National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI) indicates that a new roof is the #1 best return on investment project. They calibrate a yield of 85% upon resale. While there are other considerations (size and amount spent on your new roof, length of time before selling, and location) homes with new roofs on average, sell at a higher price and sell more quickly. With today’s quality materials a new roof has a lifespan of 20 or more years. 

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